Cosmetic and surgical Dermatology offers different alternatives and novel procedures to correct those undesirable features of both facial and body aging, sometimes by simple surgical techniques and many others without the need of a scalpel, scars or prolonged incapacities.

CHEMICAL PEELS are substances applied on different areas in order to achieve cell renewal, revitalization and rejuvenation of the skin. They are great to treat aged, devitalized, flaccid, dry, rough skin, wrinkles, blemishes, and some mild acne scars. The chemical peels can be superficial, medium and deep, depending on the amount of layers of skin detached and the depth in penetration desired with a specific chemical agent. The deeper a peel, the greater the rejuvenation obtained and so the recovery time will vary. Today there are NANOSOMED PEELINGS that allow amazing changes in the skin without exaggerated irritation and without long disabilities.

ANTIAGEING MICRODERMABRASION generates skin changes by renewal of its surface with a stream flow of aluminum microcrystals or using a diamond tip. Microdermabrasion by itself produces limited changes, but today we have excellent products of the latest technology such as growth factors and other stem cell derivatives, DNA repair agents and many others that are associated with this procedure to instantly embellish the skin without the need of any disability.

QUIMIODERMABRASION works for greater flattening of the skin by removing its deeper layers, offering surprising results after an incapacity of 8 to 10 days in deeper wrinkes and acne scars. These benefits mentioned above can also be achieved with a LASER CO2 RESOURFACING.

Modern dermatology also offers treatments for blemishes, wrinkles, scars, vascular and pigmentary lesions and skin beautification with various types of NON-ABLATIVE LASERS that, unlike other methods, do not produce any disability, being performed in several sessions every one to few months.

There is also FRACTIONAL RADIO FREQUENCY for improvement of flaccidity and acne scars.

For the correction of deep folds and wrinkles there are DERMAL IMPLANTS or FILLERS that offer immediate rejuvenation without the need of a scalpel or any disability. The dermal implants can be absorbable or non-absorbable and thus last one to more years depending on the substance that must be chosen professionally according to the individual requirement of each patient. They work great to treat the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, wrinkles between the eyebrows and you can also give volume to the chin, cheeks or achieve sensual and well-defined lips. The experience in its application offers magnificent results. Vectorization and volumetry modern techniques associated with different references of hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone allow a lifting effect without surgery. We can also make beautiful treatments with AUTOLOGOS FAT LIPOINJECTION extracted from the same patient, especially when large volumes are needed or in patients who do not want to have inject other products.

The TENSOR THREADS in different presentations and materials work very nice in lifting techniques without scars, high costs or prolonged disabilities. They can also be used to improve the shape and lift the glutes.


Currently I have more than 15 years of experience with a high casuistry and excellent results, reported and confirmed in everything concerning skin diseases and dermatological surgery of various skin lesions of different degree of complexity and Dermocosmetic..

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