Perfect Arms

There are men and women who look thin and have no overweight or generalized obesity, nevertheless they have body areas with unattractive curves that they wish to improve. For example, there are many women without much fat in the abdominal area but who do not have either a nice and thin waist, or those who have nice abdomen and thighs but also have a lot of fat in the back area or arms. Or else, there aremen who want to remove abdominal fat to show better muscle definition, or those who want to get rid of fat deposits on the back part of the waist.

This procedure is always done in surgery rooms. In those cases where the areas to sculpt are small or only one, there might be no need for general anesthesia but only tumescent assisted local anesthesia and sedation.

Ultra Z is a medical device that produces the emission of ultrasound waves into the fat which have a much higher frequency compared to those heard by the human ear. They are transmitted through a handpiece that has a cannula with a millimeter-sized orifice.

The Ultra Z forms small air bubbles between the fat cells which expand and collapse, generating a force that fragments these fat cells without damaging neighboring tissues and thus facilitating subsequent aspiration.

This procedure works to obtain surprising results in body shaping by giving beautiful contour to areas such as waist, back, abdomen, arms and thighs, also reducing inflammation, bruising, bleeding and increasing fast recovery and safety for patients.

Ultra Z achieves excellent retraction and skin tightening due to the cellular repair behind the process, also improving flaccidity and ondulated skin seen in cellulite.