
Lipolifting is a procedure that involves the injection of autologous fat (own´s patient fat) into specific anatomical areas of the face to achieve an immediate lifting effect and improvement of the facial contour.

It is a technique that offers great safety to patients, since small volumes of fat are extracted with local anesthesia and with very thin cannulas, to be injected in the areas to be treated, mainly on bony prominences with vectorization and volumetry technique. This achieves the appearance of repositioning of the flaccid skin and recovery of the facial contours of youth.

When performed with the individual’s own fat, it is a procedure that confers the greatest possible safety to a patient, without any risk of allergic reactions. For this reason it can be applied to any type of patient regardless of underlying immunological diseases.

It is an ideal procedure for patients of any age who have contraindications to perform some other type of dermal fillers or for those who need very large volumes. It is also excellent for patients who prefer totally natural treatments, without the use of foreign products to their organism. It is a wonderful alternative in elderly patients who would need enormous amounts of filler materials with the very high costs that they would generate.