Hand Rejuvenation – Ageing Hands Treatment

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New millennium hands rejuvenation is a treatment to restore youthful volume, improve skin texture and tone and reduce sun damage and age spots to give them back the appereance they used to have many years behind.

This treatment is done in three personalized stages according to the needs of each patient: First stage improves queratosis, spots and other hiperpigmentation disorders caused by sun damage and daylight exposure over the years, using CO2 laser, Q Switch or chemical peels.

The second stage restores lost volume, hiding tendons and veins that become notorious and aesthetically unpleasant over the years. This can be done with the injection of Radiesse® (Calcium Hydroxyapatite) or else with autologous fat transplantation of the same patient´s fat cells extracted through a very simple procedure that is done with local anesthesia.

The third stage, if still necessary, is done by injecting skin boosters, platelet rich plasma and growth factors to further improve skin beauty and texture.

The three stages can be programmed with a week difference between them, or else they could also be performed in the same day in case patient requires so.