Butt Lift with Bulgarian Threads Technique – Buttock Lifting with Serdev Technique

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  • Butt Lift with Bulgarian Threads Technique – Buttock Lifting with Serdev Technique

Serdev gluteal threads lift technique has its name due to the Cosmetic Surgeon who created it, Doctor Nikolay Serdev MD. from Bulgarian origin. The gluteal threads of Serdev® are manufactured in Bulgaria with multiple filaments of antibacterial polycaproamide that form elastic fibers with a tensile strength of approximately 60 Newtons equivalent to 10 Kg.

The butt lift with threads is a minimally invasive technique that is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Few incisions of minimum size on gluteal skin are done and Serdev® sutures are inserted through the fat of the buttocks and their deep fibrous tissue, to be fixed in a position superior to the fascia of the gluteus maximus muscle.

With this technique, repositioning of the fat or subcutaneous cellular tissue of the buttocks is achieved, raising the curves and increasing its anteroposterior diameter, which greatly give beauty to this area as modeling and rounding its shape, giving it an appearance of greater volume and gluteal lifting on a very natural and harmonious way.

This also achieves correction in the shape and appearance of the slaging gluteal area largely produced by the increase of fat at the lower level of this part of the body which deforms the rounded and raised appearance that characterizes beautiful gluteus. When the buttocks are raised with this technique, beautiful lengthening of the thighs at their posterior side is also achieved.

This technique can be combined with injection of growth factors and many other dermatological active ingredients in order to improve muscle tone and skin flaccidity to achieve greater beauty of the buttocks and even more surprising results.

This procedure can also be performed in conjunction with a laser lipolysis of the waist, hip and back to remove excess fat located in these areas near the buttocks. This way the round and beautiful curves of buttocks are enhanced to achieve best results in shaping the body silhouette.