Hyaluronic Acid

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Hialuronic acid has been the ideal filler for many years, since it offers excellent and immediate results, as well as safety and great diversity in presentation forms that allow it to be applied in nearly any area of the face, neck and hands depending on the reference of the product. It is a non-irritating, non-toxic and non-sensitizing filler substance.

Hialuronic acid is a polysaccharide glycosaminoglycan present in the human body and produced by various types of cells and it is the largest component of the extracellular matrix, which represents a substance that contains all organs, tissues and cells of the body, playing a key role for protection, nutrition, innervation, blood supply and immune function against infectious, tumoral and toxic agents. Over the years, it decreases in our skin which translates into wrinkles, aging, dehydration, devitalization and loss of youthful appearance.

Hyaluronic acid in the skin is produced by fibroblasts and helps it to maintain its volume and viscoelasticity. It is capable of absorbing large amounts of water, which allows an immediate increase in volume after its injection as a facial filler and other areas, indirectly promoting the formation of new collagen fibers in the treatment of facial wrinkles, furrows and restoration of volumes in different areas.

These products are best quality and supported by laboratories that carry out permanent scientific studies to improve and evolve their composition day by day. Hyaluronic acid has the great advantage of versatility in its presentations, so that there are specific references to be used almost in each area of the face, optimizing its effect and safety in the patient. It can be used to treat wrinkles of all kinds and depth in nearly every area of the face, hands and neck, and body as well.