Aging process produces a natural decrease in hormonal function, coming along with symptoms such as physical and mental fatigue, lack of libido or decreased interest in sexuality and a lower sense of well-being in all the dynamics of existence.
Rejuvenation chip is a very simple procedure that introduces a «pellet» of bio-identical testosterone (T) from a botanical source into a small area of the patient’s body, so that it is released slowly in a controlled way and natural molecular form, so it does not alter normal physiology as synthetic hormones do.
It is a procedure that is done in a few minutes and offers great benefits for men and women. The insertion of the pellet is done with local anesthesia in specific areas of localized adiposity, usually in the the hip or abdomen. The benefits in many of the patients include increased physical and mental energy, improved desire and sexual performance, healthier physical condition, increased vitality, energy, sense of well-being and improved sleep. Many women will also observe improving hot flashes of the pre and menopause, increase in bone density and improvement of premenstrual syndrome. Several patients might also show decreased flaccidity and increased muscle tone, so that a healthy diet and some exercise will show nice changes in the body with lower percentage of fat and an attractive slight muscle definition.
This chip provides a hormonal balance that can be felt after two weeks of its application. The results last from 4 to 6 weeks in women and from 6 to 8 months in men.
Prior to its application, a complete clinical history of the patient must be made with his / her antecedents and laboratories showing levels of certain hormones, since there is a contraindication for use in individuals with some specific background, which will be determined at the time of the consultation. Sometimes it will be necessary prior assessment by other specialties of medicine such as endocrinology, gynecology or urology.